Saturday, April 12, 2014

Make it about the experience, not the food!

Happy Saturday Everyone! I decided to make the move to a different blog site, the other one was nice but didn't have all the options I wanted and wasn't as user friendly...

Today my thoughts are consumed (pardon the pun) with food. At Weight Watchers this morning we learned that we are faced with over 200 food related decision a day, that's a lot! No wonder I feel like I'm always thinking about what I'm going to eat. :)  After letting that statistic digest (I'm so punny), I started thinking about how every celebration, holiday, and special life event is centered around food. Family and friends get together to visit and catch up as we sit in each others' kitchens and munch. We celebrate birthdays with cake and treats. We offer our kids treats for good behavior (i.e. If you're good in church, we'll go out for breakfast afterward). So how do change that? Or do you change it?

Some would say that you should go ahead and throw caution to the wind, it is a special occasion after all?! I'd have to throw the B.S. flag on that one (as my husband would so graciously say). The reason for getting together should not be about the food but about the people. You're there to be with the people you love and care for. It's about making memories that will last long after your food has settled in your thighs... well that's where my food goes anyway!

My favorite memories are playing cards and board games with family while we talked about things that we going on in our lives or razz each other & spend hours laughing together. Of course I also remember the food, all the wonderful flavors that were at Grandma's house, the candy jar hidden up in her cupboard. I still struggle with reminding myself that I don't "deserve" that chocolate or that there are other ways to recall memories besides eating a piece of German Chocolate Cake or having creamy mashed potatoes with gravy. Looking back at pictures or calling family and chatting is way more effective and won't have the side effect of guilt when I'm done! I think you could also bring healthy food choices to gatherings; veggies or fruit trays, healthier versions of traditional dishes, etc.

My goals this week are to be more aware of what's going in my mouth, recording & measuring my points, not rewarding myself or my children with food, continuing my fitness routine, and enjoying the company of others!

My Family Last Year

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