Saturday, June 25, 2016

Change is Painful Growth

Life has a funny way of keeping me in a constant stage of chaos. I'll admit, as a child I thought that living in the same house that my dad grew up in was pretty cool and also a bit monotonous. It probably didn't help that I had to share a room with my two sisters until my senior year of high school. I constantly day dreamed of having a new house with my own bedroom. Well I believe that God has an interesting, albeit a bit twisted, sense of humor as I move once again.

My wonderful and talented husband was unexpectedly offered a position as the National Director of Fine and Performing Arts for the National Federation of High Schools. I am extremely proud. This job does mean, however, that we will moving to Indianapolis. This will mean living in the 5th community (3rd state) in the past decade. I guess if you wish for something hard enough, it eventually happens, even if it's years later.

Change is extremely difficult and it doesn't get any easier, but you do learn more things with each transition. I have figured out what things need to be in place as soon as possible (i.e. home, church, doctors, schools, pharmacy), what should be packed in what way, and what needs to be throw out or given away. Every community has its differences and Indianapolis will, by far, be the largest city we've lived in.

I know that the next few weeks are going to be quite the roller coaster of emotions. I also know that we will be fine, we will grow stronger from this experience. I am going to focus on positives and my list of things that need to get done. I will try my hardest to not let stress take over and ruin my health goals. The gym will be a destination to work up any pent up frustration and to work out clouded, cluttered thoughts.