Sunday, April 12, 2015

Steppin' Up the Game!

This week begins a new start in the journey for a healthier me. I have had more than enough time "off" and although I am still solidly in a place that I love where I'm at... I don't like the way I feel since I've been making poor eating decisions. The good news is that I made the commitment to a few things that will create the pathway needed to successfully implement healthier living habits.

The first is a subscription to emeals which puts healthy and affordable meals at my fingertips, literally. I can access not only the recipes but also the grocery lists on my phone. I will also be posting about those recipes and meals and letting you know if it's a worthy investment and if I'm up to the challenge of spending more time in the kitchen!

The second is starting my own group of awesome ladies working for a common goal, creating healthier selves. I will focus time each day on motivating these great women (if you'd also like to join please comment below or contact me on fb) for four weeks toward a goal of losing 4% of their body weight. I'm very excited to get everything up and running, especially the new diet bet aspect. Money and friends with common goals are always great motivators.

The third is joining a separate group on diet bet that is a long term transformation group. It runs for 6 months with monthly weigh ins, goals, and prizes but with a long term goal of losing 10% of my body weight. I'm combining that with my recent measurements and  before picture and getting my body fat % this week as well.

I know that seeing results and having not only short term but also long term goals with a support system in place will ensure the motivation and success I am needing. Happy Sunday everyone!

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