I just wanted to post a quick thank you to Weight Watchers for brightening my day! I knew I had gained a little over the week with being sick and the joys of Easter and was feeling down... but after great conversation and motivation from my WW meeting, I left excited with a great sense of hope and encouragement! I am overly enthusiastic and have set my goal very high for the week. I'm hoping my cold is on its way out and I will be able to amp up my workouts and be more than meticulous about tracking my food. I will also be more focused while I eat, turning off the TV, putting away my phone/ computer, and paying attention to what I'm putting into my mouth!
What's going to get me to my BIG goal you may ask?!? I am motivating myself with the old carrot at the end of the stick trick, figuratively speaking... If I make my goal for this week I'm going to go and get a pedicure. :) A WW member mentioned getting one in our meeting today and I thought that may be the perfect reward to myself if I can focus and work hard! So after next Saturday morning, if all the stars align, I will be posting a picture of me getting me reward.
Thanks again WW for putting me into cheerful and highly motivated spirits this morning!
I've always been taught to put others' needs before your own and have tried to live my life that way to the best of my ability. I still believe that this is an important lesson in life but have decided that in order to give others your best you have to take care of yourself first. As I was in aerobics class today, I was watching myself in the mirror (to make sure I was lifting properly) and I started to wonder about all the times I've started a regular workout routine in my life and how this time was different. In the past, I've gone through the motions but usually I'm working out to look good for other people or because I feel like that's what others expect. I dreaded working out and hated every bite of healthy food. I would spend an entire workout thinking about other things that I'd rather be doing and begrudgingly finish. Eventually my hatred for both would lead me to quitting, again...
Today I felt different, I was excited to go and workout after school! I am disappointed when I can't workout. I think that since I went into this journey knowing it was for ME, not anyone else, it has changed my perspective. Every time I workout I feel empowered, it's MY time, time for me to do something for myself and not worry about others, even if only for 45 minutes. I've been excited to try on and purchase new workout gear. It gives me a great natural high when I finish a workout and that positive energy stays with me and relieves any negative stress that has been eating away at me.
To be honest, I'm still working on the eating part. I've done much better this week than I did last week but I still have a ways to go. I love my sweet and salty food. I'm able to say "no" to most things throughout the work day but evenings are very difficult. My biggest motivator is watching my transformation in the mirror and hearing positive feedback from others. If I've come this far and feel this good about myself, I'm hoping that I can focus more on the nutrition side of this journey. I've done a much better job this week of incorporating more fruits and vegetables as well as drinking more water... one small step at a time!
Hopefully this focus on myself and the positive energy that comes from it will lead me to being a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and teacher!
Today I felt different, I was excited to go and workout after school! I am disappointed when I can't workout. I think that since I went into this journey knowing it was for ME, not anyone else, it has changed my perspective. Every time I workout I feel empowered, it's MY time, time for me to do something for myself and not worry about others, even if only for 45 minutes. I've been excited to try on and purchase new workout gear. It gives me a great natural high when I finish a workout and that positive energy stays with me and relieves any negative stress that has been eating away at me.
To be honest, I'm still working on the eating part. I've done much better this week than I did last week but I still have a ways to go. I love my sweet and salty food. I'm able to say "no" to most things throughout the work day but evenings are very difficult. My biggest motivator is watching my transformation in the mirror and hearing positive feedback from others. If I've come this far and feel this good about myself, I'm hoping that I can focus more on the nutrition side of this journey. I've done a much better job this week of incorporating more fruits and vegetables as well as drinking more water... one small step at a time!
Hopefully this focus on myself and the positive energy that comes from it will lead me to being a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and teacher!