Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Quick Thank You to Weight Watchers!

I just wanted to post a quick thank you to Weight Watchers for brightening my day! I knew I had gained a little over the week with being sick and the joys of Easter and was feeling down... but after great conversation and motivation from my WW meeting, I left excited with a great sense of hope and encouragement! I am overly enthusiastic and have set my goal very high for the week. I'm hoping my cold is on its way out and I will be able to amp up my workouts and be more than meticulous about tracking my food. I will also be more focused while I eat, turning off the TV, putting away my phone/ computer, and paying attention to what I'm putting into my mouth!

What's going to get me to my BIG goal you may ask?!? I am motivating myself with the old carrot at the end of the stick trick, figuratively speaking... If I make my goal for this week I'm going to go and get a pedicure. :)  A WW member mentioned getting one in our meeting today and I thought that may be the perfect reward to myself if I can focus and work hard! So after next Saturday morning, if all the stars align, I will be posting a picture of me getting me reward.

Thanks again WW for putting me into cheerful and highly motivated spirits this morning!

Friday, April 25, 2014

If in doubt, give a complement...

"Wow!" "You look great!" "Have you been losing weight?!" "That outfit looks great on you!"

I'm not picky, I'll take any complement I can get! My love language is Words of Affirmation (The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman) and I have worked hard to learn to take a complement with grace. I used to brush it off as something that someone felt they had to say, now it boosts my mood and makes me more aware to give complements out as much as I can. I think that even the most mundane complement, "Your hair looks really good today," has the potential to change that person's day.

There is a down side, however, that I have discovered in recent weeks. I've been working so hard since January on my diet, since March working out like a rock star, I've dropped a couple of pant/dress sizes and am noticeably fitter so when I run into someone that I haven't seen in awhile (i.e. family, friends at Easter or other gatherings) and they say nothing... absolutely nothing, I am very discouraged. I start to question whether I really have been doing well or if the outfit I am wearing doesn't show my new self as well. It sets me off into a negative tail spin.

I talked to a friend of mine about this dilemma and she noted that she doesn't always complement people because she doesn't want them to think that she thought they looked bad or fat before. I never thought about it that way and I guess I would never take a complement in that manner since I know I've worked so hard to get here... but at least I understand a different perspective. I read a few other blogs on the subject and some mention jealousy, which I can also understand to a point. I know there are others who don't like that I am constantly checking in on fb to the Y or mentioning my weight loss... I honestly don't do it to make people jealous or angry with me or to make them say, "Way to go," I really, truly hope that I am inspiring someone to get up and do something. Whether it be to go on a walk or sign up for a fitness class or join me for some yoga or even join Weight Watchers... I want everyone to be successful, I cannot tell you how happy it makes me when someone tells me they came to class because of me or they started tracking their calories again after reading one of my posts... I want to make a difference in someone's life!!

Okay, back to my main point, I understand that some are unsure about giving out complements to others that look to have shed some weight but I say, "If in doubt, give a complement!" I'm not saying to go up to someone and say, "Holy crap, you must have lost a ton of weight!" but I do think a simple, "You look good" or "Have you been working out?" won't hurt anyone's feelings. If that's asking too much, simply tell someone their outfit or their hair looks nice or give them a warm smile.

I will continue to post my workouts and motivational quotes in an effort to inspire others and hopefully others will feel inspired to give someone, anyone, a complement to help them through their day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dear Stress...

Dear Stress,

Our relationship has been a long one. You have been with me for as long as I can remember. You have been there whispering in my ear as I completed endless assignments, tried to figure out the best way to approach relationships, over analyzed countless conversations with others, picked apart job interviews and numerous decisions that have been made, battled with weight loss and finding inner strength, struggled with finances, etc. I'm sorry to inform you this way, but it's time for me to move on. I have been unable to enjoy my family & friends the way I deserve to and the way they deserve to be loved!

I don't mind if you want to stop by once in awhile to keep me on task and focused but any more than that will no longer be tolerated. Please know that I will use all of my power to escort you out of my life (i.e. running, yoga, aerobics, meditation, prayer, playing with my children, talking with friends & family, cuddling with my husband, reading a good book or enjoying a bubble bath). This relationship is terminated immediately, I will not look back, only forward at the countless possibilities waiting for me in this new chapter of my life. 

With Deepest Regards,


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

What a great way to start the Easter weekend! Yesterday morning I got up and packed for the long weekend of traveling. I then ran down to Weight Watchers to weigh in before leaving town. I was so happy that I had gotten rid of 4 more pounds, bringing my total since January to 22 pounds gone forever!

I can tell that many habits have been made thanks to the great support that I receive from my leader, Ona, and all the members at WW as well as the positive encouragement I receive from others at the YMCA. I also made it throughout this Lent season without any pop. I can tell I have made these new habits when yesterday I decided to pre-pack some healthy snacks (weight watcher snacks, cheese sticks, apples). I also made sure to pack some WW pretzels in my purse to have during the circus and successfully avoided eating the enticing treats the circus offers.Last night ended with a great walk with one of my sisters and some long overdue conversation!

I can't wait to celebrate this beautiful holiday with all my family today! I just have to remind myself that the holiday is about Jesus dying for our sins and rising to new life. It's not about eating as much junk and food as I can. It's about spending time with family, enjoying conversation and making memories.

Enjoy your Easter! He is risen!

Friday, April 18, 2014

No Excuses!

Good Morning on this chilly Easter Friday! I would like to send out a huge thank you to social media, I know that sounds silly but it helped me out a lot yesterday! I haven't been feeling very well, just really run down and some cold like symptoms, and yesterday was a very busy day. My husband had to run to Rapid for work and I was left without a vehicle and in charge of picking up our kids at the end of the day. At lunch time, before I knew I'd be vehicle-less, I had put on facebook that I'd be going to a Chisel class at 4:15 p.m. As the day wore on, I felt less and less upbeat & healthy, I discovered the van was still in the shop, and my workout buddy bailed on me (don't worry, I don't hold it against you). All these reasons led me to decide that it wasn't going to work for me to go to the class and I was okay with that.

The closer it got to 3:45 pm the more I realized how guilty I'd feel that I had put on fb that I was going to workout and then didn't, albeit for good reasons but they were just excuses, I could make this work! I decided that I'd walk to the Y, leave class by 5pm and walk/jog to go and pick up Natalie at daycare and the boys at the school. I still didn't feel well but got a mood & energy boost from the brisk air on my walk to the Y. The class was good and I got out of there on time but underestimated how long it would take me to get my stuff together and to walk home after doing that many squats. :)
I finally got home to grab the stroller and realized I'd really have to push myself to get to both places before 5:30, so I ran/ jogged carrying the stroller to go get Miss Natalie and then she had a fun sprint ride on the way back to get the boys. Needless to say, I did it, I got all the kids by 5:30 and was home shortly after.... and exhausted!

I know that some may think that I'm bragging or rubbing it in when I use social media to say when I'm going to workout, however, that is NOT my intention at all!! My goal is and always has been to motivate myself and others. It worked for me yesterday and, hopefully, has worked for some others to get up and get moving, to take care of their body! This push I've given myself this week has helped me to shed 3 more pounds, only 5 pounds from my goal #1. Hoorah! I'll let you know more about my progress tomorrow after my WW weigh in. Today my plans are for a Spin Class at the Y and some running as well as staying in my WW points for the day. Make everyday count!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Poor Self Esteem

I am having one of those days where my inner voice is my own worst enemy! I've been working on telling my negative self to "be quiet" or "shut up" (I know, get me a straight jacket), today I didn't do as great of a job and just let the voice slip in over and over. It started this morning when my sweet little sunshine of a daughter woke up extra early and as I rocked her back to sleep I talked myself out of going to workout in an hour, since I'd really appreciate the extra sleep more. I did enjoy the extra sleep but immediately scolded myself when I 'officially' woke up for the day for missing my morning class. I continued to beat myself up as I felt tired and sluggish getting ready for work, "You'd have more energy if you would have got up and moving this morning instead of sleeping more!"

The stress I put on myself this morning continued as I navigated my way through the day. I didn't take the time to appreciate my successful math lesson or science discussion and instead focused on how I couldn't quite control the volume of my students as well as I'd hoped (older students are doing Smarter Balance testing in the computer lab next door). In retrospect, the students are super excited about our baby duck that's hatching and we were doing a lot of group activities today plus no one complained to me about hearing us next door. I also had a overly long list of things to accomplish today thus setting myself up for further failure and further negative thoughts.

I thought an iced coffee energy drink would give me the boost I needed to get more things done at work and then head to the gym feeling ready for a great workout. Unfortunately, after consuming said beverage I realized it was worth 5 WW points, leaving me 5 points for supper. So instead of waltzing in, ready to conquer whatever the instructor threw at me, I came in with a chip on my shoulder knowing I had messed up for the umpteenth time today. I was hoping that the workout would eventually life my spirits, as it usually does, but I think that I was in such a slump that no amount of sweat or bicep curls was going to release that tension. It was quite frustrating that I also couldn't focus my attention on feeling the "burn" and instead found my mind wondering to how I wish I could look like so and so or I'll never be able to do that...  I might as well stamp a Negative Nancy sticker on my forehead today (no offense to any of the wonderful Nancys in my life)!

I need to hit my reset button. Reevaluate my day and look for all the positives. Read some motivation quotes, set up a plan for success for tomorrow, and go to bed early! Today was not bad, my attitude was, tomorrow will be terrific!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I am my own worst enemy...

This weekend has been very productive; laundry done, house cleaned, lessons planned, attended Chisel & Step Aerobics, played at the park with the kiddos, and a new blog site started. So I should feel satisfied, right?!? Wrong :(   One of the other "accomplishments" of this weekend was recording my Weight Watcher points and, lo & behold, I went over by quite a few points this weekend. Ugh! It just proves what my WW leader said yesterday, "The points you don't record today find there way onto the scale tomorrow!" I wish there was a magic pill that gave me the same will power that's motivated me to exercise as to say no to snacking, anyone know where I can find it?

Alright, my pity party is over for the day! I'll get up first thing in the morning and head to aerobics class and start the week on the right foot. Tonight I'll plan out what I'm going to eat tomorrow (including my snacks) and stick to it NO MATTER WHAT!! I do find it can be difficult to not want a snack right after working out. I just have to be more mindful and plan my breakfast after my morning workout and supper after any evening workouts. Now to say a little prayer that my mind, stomach, and will power work together...

I also wanted to mention another big decision coming up this week. Lent will be ending on Sunday and I've successfully given up pop. Now I'm struggling with whether to start drinking it again after Easter. My husband says that if I've gone this long without why start again? My mind says that I've wasted many points on coffee and creamer the past 40 days in order to keep up with all the things going on in day to day life, it would be nice to go with zero point diet pop?! Hmm... I put a survey on my blog so if you are reading this and have a minute, I'd love your opinion! :)

Start the week out on the right foot, make healthy choices and be active!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Make it about the experience, not the food!

Happy Saturday Everyone! I decided to make the move to a different blog site, the other one was nice but didn't have all the options I wanted and wasn't as user friendly...

Today my thoughts are consumed (pardon the pun) with food. At Weight Watchers this morning we learned that we are faced with over 200 food related decision a day, that's a lot! No wonder I feel like I'm always thinking about what I'm going to eat. :)  After letting that statistic digest (I'm so punny), I started thinking about how every celebration, holiday, and special life event is centered around food. Family and friends get together to visit and catch up as we sit in each others' kitchens and munch. We celebrate birthdays with cake and treats. We offer our kids treats for good behavior (i.e. If you're good in church, we'll go out for breakfast afterward). So how do change that? Or do you change it?

Some would say that you should go ahead and throw caution to the wind, it is a special occasion after all?! I'd have to throw the B.S. flag on that one (as my husband would so graciously say). The reason for getting together should not be about the food but about the people. You're there to be with the people you love and care for. It's about making memories that will last long after your food has settled in your thighs... well that's where my food goes anyway!

My favorite memories are playing cards and board games with family while we talked about things that we going on in our lives or razz each other & spend hours laughing together. Of course I also remember the food, all the wonderful flavors that were at Grandma's house, the candy jar hidden up in her cupboard. I still struggle with reminding myself that I don't "deserve" that chocolate or that there are other ways to recall memories besides eating a piece of German Chocolate Cake or having creamy mashed potatoes with gravy. Looking back at pictures or calling family and chatting is way more effective and won't have the side effect of guilt when I'm done! I think you could also bring healthy food choices to gatherings; veggies or fruit trays, healthier versions of traditional dishes, etc.

My goals this week are to be more aware of what's going in my mouth, recording & measuring my points, not rewarding myself or my children with food, continuing my fitness routine, and enjoying the company of others!

My Family Last Year

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Restart of A New Katie Jo... My History

I've always been taught to put others' needs before your own and have tried to live my life that way to the best of my ability. I still believe that this is an important lesson in life but have decided that in order to give others your best you have to take care of yourself first. As I was in aerobics class today, I was watching myself in the mirror (to make sure I was lifting properly) and I started to wonder about all the times I've started a regular workout routine in my life and how this time was different. In the past, I've gone through the motions but usually I'm working out to look good for other people or because I feel like that's what others expect. I dreaded working out and hated every bite of healthy food. I would spend an entire workout thinking about other things that I'd rather be doing and begrudgingly finish. Eventually my hatred for both would lead me to quitting, again...

Today I felt different, I was excited to go and workout after school! I am disappointed when I can't workout. I think that since I went into this journey knowing it was for ME, not anyone else, it has changed my perspective. Every time I workout I feel empowered, it's MY time, time for me to do something for myself and not worry about others, even if only for 45 minutes. I've been excited to try on and purchase new workout gear. It gives me a great natural high when I finish a workout and that positive energy stays with me and relieves any negative stress that has been eating away at me.

To be honest, I'm still working on the eating part. I've done much better this week than I did last week but I still have a ways to go. I love my sweet and salty food. I'm able to say "no" to most things throughout the work day but evenings are very difficult. My biggest motivator is watching my transformation in the mirror and hearing positive feedback from others. If I've come this far and feel this good about myself, I'm hoping that I can focus more on the nutrition side of this journey. I've done a much better job this week of incorporating more fruits and vegetables as well as drinking more water... one small step at a time!

Hopefully this focus on myself and the positive energy that comes from it will lead me to being a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and teacher!

I stumbled across the fact that I made it past the elusive 21 day mark for creating a new habit! I actually made it past 21 days many weeks ago, the end of January for WW and the end of March for working out, but I guess I wasn't really keeping track. I am excited to know that, according to whomever makes these standards, I have made healthy eating and working out habits in my life, yay! I know that I haven't made my weight loss or fitness goals yet, however, knowing that I've created new habits makes me much more optimistic for my future. :)

I do know that participating in aerobics class has become a habit because it has made its way into my dreams. Last night I had an extremely vivid dream about going to the Y and attending a yoga class. I even remember unrolling my purple yoga mat and following the instructor's directions. It was so realistic that I woke up this morning feeling as if I'd already worked out. That was my cue to take today off! I am very grateful that I was able to give my body a rest but am ready to get up early tomorrow and get this body moving again!

Now that I've made new habits, enjoy working out, am fitting into smaller sizes, I am going to focus my efforts on healthier food choices. I know my limits as far as WW points but know that I'm still not getting enough fruits, veggies & water. Always things to improve on to make a better me!
Time to recharge the batteries and prepare my new mindset. Old habits are difficult to break but I've made it this far and don't plan on giving up. Today I decided to give myself a push in the right direction. I went through all of my clothes and got rid of all the ones that are too big. It was a little challenging because many of the clothes I have had for years, they're very comfortable, and I don't have a lot of clothes left to wear! I know that's a good problem to have, but it also sparks the instinct to hold onto those other clothes "just in case". I had to tell myself that there's no reason for keeping my favorite pair of jeans. Yes, they were comfy, especially when I didn't have to hike them up and wear a belt with them all the time! I also loved this blue dress that I bought but I don't plan on ever fitting into it the proper way again. If I keep these clothes it means that I plan on returning to my former self, which I definitely DO NOT!

I've made lots of changes in the past couple months, a better way of eating, a consistent workout routine, no more pop and a more mindful way of keeping myself healthy (both mentally and physically). Have I figured it all out? Nope. Have a had slip ups? Absolutely! My motivation to reach my goal has been renewed and I can take my mistakes and make a conscious effort to avoid a reoccurrence of these short comings. I LOVE potato chips therefore I should not keep them in the house (and my husband should be kind enough to not buy them). I also know that I do not drink enough water but only like it if it's really cold. So I need to start freezing half a water bottle full of water at night and fill it with water in the morning to make it more appealing to me during the day. There are other small changes that I need to be mindful of and I also started my vision board. I believe these few minor steps will only help me to reach my goal more efficiently! The old me is almost gone and the new me is nearly complete. Let's start this week!

My pile of clothes that no longer fit :)

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

I knew it was coming, I've been here before and I know many others have too, I gained 2 pounds. It was no surprise when I stepped on the WW scale this morning but I was still GREATLY disappointed. I have worked out all but Monday of this week however, the reason for my gain is due to my lack of tracking what goes in my mouth. I'm pretty sure that I allowed myself to not keep track due to stress at home & work... I know, excuses, excuses! I contemplated not even writing this blog because I want it to be positive and encouraging but what's more encouraging than knowing that everyone fails?!?

The difference is how we choose to react to the failures, do we give up and decide that we just can't do it? (I've done this more times than I can count). Or do we pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off and push forward learning from our mistake(s) and choose to be a better person because of it? I'm going to choose the last option this time! Instead of moping after my weigh in and immediately going to the coffee shop for a sympathy coffee and bagel, I had my hubby drop me off at the Y so I could go work out and then walked home when I was finished. For the first Saturday since starting WW I am also going to keep track of every point I eat today and start two weeks of the Simple Start plan to reboot my system. I won't give up on my fitness, despite feeling like it's not currently helping. Perhaps I'll mix in some running and weight training with all the aerobic classes?

No matter what I choose to do this week the fact is that I'm choosing to push forward and work harder. Weekend reboot commence :)

To learn to succeed, first you must learn to fail. -Michael Jordan
Ever have a day that has one stressful event after another and ends with your husband having a bagel intervention and pinning you down to take away the tiny little sliver of bagel you were trying to eat (when you've clearly had enough to eat). That's how my day went today. It started on the right foot going to Step Aerobics at 5a.m. and picking up bagels for all of my amazing coworkers. It was a quick spiral downward with a crazy busy schedule at school. The school day ended with an IEP meeting I had forgotten about, spoiling my plans for spin class at 4:15p.m. (I was hoping to burn off the bagel and a half I'd had during the day). I was in a funk and then my loving husband called and asked me to pick up supper. Instead of following my conscious and heading to Subway for a healthy meal, I let my stress rule my tummy and drove to Taco Johns. Now I'm sure that they have healthy options that I could have chosen but that's not why I went there. At any rate, I over-indulged in some of my favorites including potato oles. I was so full I could barely move. A couple hours later I am still completely full but that didn't stop me from trying to raid the bagels I'd brought home. Thankfully, my husband intervened and all is well in the world again. Needless to say, my plans for tomorrow include an early morning class as well as an afternoon workout class... no excused (I'm 90% sure I don't have an unexpected meeting and if something comes up, I'll run the track at the Y).

Lesson for the day: Failures happen, learn from them and move on... (Preplanned meals will help me out a lot).
I have been in a depressed mood for a few days now. My former self would say that some comfort food would make me feel better. Unfortunately, I was always wrong and was left feeling more guilty and much worse. The new me has discovered a much better way to lift my spirits, nope, it's not wine (although I do enjoy a good glass every once in awhile). My new endorphin enhancer is (drumroll please....) EXERCISE!!

It's amazing how much better I feel post workout and how much more aware I am now of the mood elevation it creates for me. I went three days in a row with no workouts and I felt awful, even after attending Step Aerobics on Sunday, it only provided a slight and short lift in my mood. Monday I wasn't able to go the Y thanks to Mother Nature's blizzard and my little girl not letting me workout with Jillian Michaels. This morning we had a snow day and I was hit hard with a case of the blues. As soon as my husband came home from work, I went into work and then proceeded to go to an aerobics class. While my fat was sweating away, a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and for the first time in many days I felt like I could breath.

My improved mood continued throughout the evening despite my crazy kids' antics. I used to think that the sole purpose for working out was to lose weight and tone up, I now believe that, for me, it is the mood enhancer that I've been looking for & need. I feel like I have just uncovered a secret to being happy and want to share it with as many people as I can. It also makes me wonder about my diet and what other things I could change that may be beneficial in numerous ways to my overall health.

My goal is to workout in the morning before work and after work, I know it sounds crazy but I'm hoping it will make my tomorrow an excellent one! :)
P.S. I REALLY want the shirt below!
Despite my pre-planning, I did not workout yesterday or today. I was beating myself up about it on my 3 hour drive today but then realized it was okay. As long as I don't keep the pattern going and make sure I get up and workout tomorrow, life will go on. I had a great evening and night. Today I rewarded myself by buying a size 8 (that's right, 8!) spring dress and pair of jeans. I never felt so excited trying on clothes, it was great! I was with my mother in-law as she tried on clothes at Christopher Banks for an upcoming TOPS event that she gets to model in, I was humbled when the store manager asked me if I'd be interested in modeling for them in a mall show they're having in Pierre in a couple weeks. Who would have thought?!? Needless to say, I spent a pretty penny at Christopher Banks today! :)

My goals for the weekend are to get in two really great workouts, one on Saturday and one on Sunday! I found a great quote about waking up with determination and going to bed with satisfaction. I'm going to incorporate that into my daily goals as well as the vision board I want to make this weekend. I have started a couple in the past, but I'd like to make one to put up in my bathroom as a reminder every morning as I get ready. I posted a couple pictures below of ideas to get me (or others) started. I think any motivation is good motivation and seeing positive images and words daily can only encourage me more!
Up, down and all around! I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster that I definitely didn't sign up for. I forced myself to get up this morning and go to Step Aerobics but I'm still not sold on the whole morning workout thing... I feel like my body is just going through the motions and I'm still half awake for most of it. I don't really work up a sweat and I leave feeling awake but not quite fulfilled. Not sure if that makes sense, but it kind of left me frustrated this morning.

The rest of the day went fairly well. It was a half day of school which went quickly and I got a lot done this afternoon. I wanted to get in another workout but got caught up in work and had a meeting at 5p.m. so I missed the class I wanted to take. It was beautiful outside, 70 degrees, so I thought I'd go for a walk. Unfortunately, my husband had to meet with some coworkers so I had to take my kids on the walk. I was very excited to catch up with a friend but it ended up being a "chase Natalie, wait for Natalie" type of walk.... not a lot of calories burned. It also got very chilly very quickly.

I came home in a bad mood and had to make 5 quarts of chili for work. I can't wait to go to bed and pray that tomorrow is less crazy. I am going to go to cycling in the morning and maybe the morning workout thing will catch on, we'll see?!?

I don't want to end this on a negative note so I would like to say that my wonderful husband gave me a great compliment today and I will try to carry that feeling with me into tomorrow!
BLAH would be the best way to describe today! I went over my points by one piece of cake (however many points that piece may have been). I struggled to get through the day teaching with an extreme lack of energy/ no motivation and pain. I decided to not finish everything that I needed to before leaving work and went to a step class this afternoon. It was an almost instant mood boost, thank goodness! There wasn't a lot of people there so I didn't feel crowded and the teacher pushed us harder since we were all "experienced" steppers. I decided immediately that I would go to step the next morning at 5a.m. to help start the day on the right foot.

I came home and held onto that good mood for awhile but then realized we needed groceries, desperately! Since my husband is working on a 20 page paper for a class, I offered to "run" to WalMart. As to be expected with trips to WalMart, I was there for over an hour and a half. I did a great job picking up foods that are healthy and will help keep me on track, but it was still a frustrating trip. My sour mood came back full force as I drove home and then put groceries away. I decided that the only way to re-boost my mood was to pull out the BIG guns, my little black dress. Most people seem to have a piece of clothing that they hope they'll fit back into someday. For me, it's a black dress I wore to one of my cousin's weddings 12 years ago. So I pulled out the dress and put it on, I know it was a risk... if it wouldn't have fit my day would have totally imploded and I would have had to crawl into bed. Fortunately, it actually fit! I had to take a picture to document the moment my mood changed. :)  Now I feel motivated to get a good night sleep, head to the gym in the morning and make tomorrow a great day! Happy Tuesday everyone!
I decided to make a new goal for the week, mindful eating. I've obviously been paying more attention to what I am eating, recording the points on the Weight Watcher webpage. I am talking more about actually spending the time to sit and enjoy my food. Most meals are spent multi-tasking, truthfully, I am typing this while eating a WW chocolate bar. :) Usually I am correcting papers, reading a book, looking at pinterest or helping my kids with something while I eat. I would like to spend the time at a table eating and drinking without any extras (including phone, tv, or computer). I also found many great webpages, books, and quotes about mindful eating. I posted a few of them below.
I think it's very important to start out the week with a plan in mind. I even looked up the Y fitness schedule in Aberdeen for when I'm there Friday morning. If I start the week out with a goal and a plan, knowing that I may need a plan b or even plan c, it helps me to not give into temptations. Examples of temptations would be: 1) Eating fast food because we didn't have anything else to eat at home. 2) Skipping a workout because I had to stay later at the school than I had planned. 3)Missing a workout because I didn't have the right clothes or shoes. 4) Grabbing a unhealthy treat from the workroom because I am extremely hungry and have no other option.

What's your goal(s) for the week? What's your plan for meeting that goal?

Have a terrific Monday and be mindful!

Today was a great day! I went to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and was happy to see that 4 more pounds were gone forever. Not only that, but I went past my 10% weight loss goal. Now I have only 8 pounds before I reach another big goal, being in my healthy BMI range! I can't wait to make that goal and am so excited that I have gotten so far so quickly. Once I reach the next step I won't be done, I plan to continue to lose until I am in the comfortable zone of a healthy BMI and then start my maintenance program. Two months ago I NEVER would have believed that this day would come. I am at a weight that I haven't seen in about 7 years. It makes me extremely excited for my future and optimistic for the opportunities that await me. I can't wait to be a leader/ mentor for those struggling with the same demons I am overcoming.

I have also started a facebook page called SD Workout Accountability Page ( for anyone interested in finding a workout buddy, checking in when you workout, or even just hoping to be inspired to get up and get moving! I posted a picture of me last year and then today because I am so excited to see the progress. I also posted a picture of my new keychain that I earned today at WW for my making my 10% goal! Enjoy a wonderful Saturday evening, remember to stay active and make smart food choices!
A Before Picture from January 2013 (about 30 pounds ago)

To see more click on my photo journey at the top!

Below is the picture of me today and my keychain!

I will be the first to tell you that my life has had many, many trials and errors. I went on a long hike today and had some time for reflection and decided that I am labeling this period of my life "Triumph Over Rejection." I have rediscovered my passion for teaching after having left the field for a couple of years unsure if I would return. This job is by far the best job I have ever had and am very happy!

Today I also felt rejection as I received an email from WW stating that they cannot hire me as a leader until I lose 10 more pounds (within the healthy BMI). I knew this when I applied but seeing the email put me in a bad mood. That's when I went on my hike. While I was walking through out beautiful little town I started by feeling sorry for myself. Next I became determined and decided that I CAN do this! I have overcome many obstacles and am so much stronger and more confident for having done so. Half way through my walk I went into the mall and exchanged the pants I had bought last week for the next size down and I felt better than ever. I walked the 2 miles back home with a skip in my step and a positive outlook for my future. I feel truly blessed and fortunate as I step into a three day weekend, ready to make the changes necessary and be the best me I know how to be!

Gym Rat

I'm VERY proud of myself today for getting up and working out at 5:10 a.m. this morning. It helped that little Miss Natalie woke me up at 4:30 a.m. and got the ball rolling. The class was tough and it felt like I was just going through the motions but at least it got me up and moving!? It definitely made the rest of the morning seem to flow more smoothly and I felt more alert than I usually do. I also did a great job avoiding the temptations in the workroom today too (It's the feast of St. Joseph so there were celebratory treats). One coworker helped by telling me to "put the brownie down and run away," which I did!

This afternoon I went with a coworker to the cycling/ tabata class. I love taking fitness classes after work. It helps me release the day's stress and I get my heart rate up, sweat buckets, and feel like a million bucks (thank you endorphins)! I even came home to my amazing husband baking chicken breasts, sometimes it takes a blog post to motivate change, and I sautéed up some veggies. It was a great supper!

I'd have to say the biggest downfall of the day for me was a handful of candy that I had this evening (after James told me not to) while struggling with my cute little princess to go to bed. I then had a celebratory bowl of Greek Frozen Yogurt, which is actually really healthy but I didn't have the points left to have it. It tasted good and I didn't over stuff myself... so I move on!

Tomorrow's goals: Stay within my WW points and workout, go to bed early!

Weight loss and fitness is a frustrating business. Everyday I start out doing great, I have a healthy, quick breakfast, grab some healthy, low point snacks for the day and do great! The past couple weeks I've been doing great at going to the YMCA classes after school and working my butt off. Then I come home... if it's just me and the kids, I will usually cook something for them that's healthy or cook my own meal separate. However, when my husband is home, whom I love dearly and treats me wonderfully, most of the time :) , he likes to make things that are NOT healthy (but very delicious) and then will continue the evening snacking on things that I would LOVE to enjoy too! It is SO frustrating!! Yes, he supports me working out and doesn't try to rub anything in my face but I'd really love if he'd jump on board the healthy eating train (toot, toot!) and then I'd have a much easier road to success.

Here's a link to a great article I read tonight about 5 reasons new diets fail (one is lack of support):

My goal for tomorrow is to make a healthy supper for the whole family and to work out twice as hard at the Y, morning step class and afternoon cycling class! Plus I won't have the 11 hour work day to add the stress, always a positive!!
I was humbled today by a few of my fellow coworkers. I wore my new dress pants to work and was given some great feedback. Made my day! I also applied to be a leader for Weight Watchers. I haven't made my goal yet ( I have to lose 10 more pounds before I can become a leader) but I thought I'd get the ball rolling and give myself the extra motivation to push harder! I'm very excited and hope I can reach my goal quickly and efficiently. I'd love to be a role model/ inspiration as well as help others to reach their weight loss goals. It's the whole reason I started this blog.

Today I didn't get to go to my usual YMCA Body Rock class because of the St. Patrick's Day parade however, we did walk the mile down to the parade, ate some Irish stew, enjoyed some great conversation, and then I went for a short run... The only downside was the really good cookies they had and my urge for Greek yogurt and chocolate covered almonds when I did my homework tonight! :( Praying the scale doesn't hate me in the morning. Tomorrow I will work out at the Y and I'm going to try the Simple Start approach (a new weight loss program through WW) the rest of this week and see if that can help boost my weight loss too.

I hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy the rest of this lucky day :)
I've been working my butt off the past couple weeks (literally and figuratively) at the YMCA. I've gone to class 5 out of 7 days this week and been walking with my kiddos. My diet has had a couple days of flaws, but for the most part I've been within my point range. So why, pray tell, did I gain 2 tenths of a pound this week instead of losing?!? I was informed that I'm creating muscle and that eventually my weight will drop from this new muscle, but when? I am one of the least patient people I know so I have to think of something to focus on other than the scale not moving in my favor...

Fortunately, I measured myself yesterday and compared it to the measurements that I took in mid January and, praise the Lord, I have gotten rid of 8 inches through my body! I knew I'd lost some because most of my dress pants fall right off me. I was so excited when I saw that I decided to go buy some new dress pants. First I went to JCPenneys (we are very limited in retail stores in this small town) and I couldn't find a pair of pants that fit in the waist and legs, it was down right depressing! I was just about to throw in the towel and go home and call it a total loss of a day (what does a tape measure know anyway) but decided to go to one more store. I haven't been in Maurice's since early college and was worried it was going to be a bunch of skinny, low rised pants. I was happily surprised to find amazing pants that were a little loose in the waist but perfect everywhere else, including length which is difficult for me because I'm not quite petite but regular pants are always too long. I bought one pair and decided to wait on the other ones for a month, hoping the next size down will fit within that time! (I'll take any motivation I can).

This morning was a bit disappointing but I am going to focus on how my body has changed for the positive. I am stronger and smaller, the scale will figure that out sooner or later!
Today I went to spin class again and all I thought about is how I'd really like to do a long bike ride. I'm not talking about a day long ride with a picnic and return trip home. I mean like the MS bike tour that I did almost 10 years ago where I went 150 miles over two days. The problem is that the MS bike tour in SD is a weekend that I can't attend. There is an amazing looking bike ride across South Dakota ( that I would love to do however, I don't think I'd be able to ride that far/ long in the short time before the ride, which is in June. I also am not so sure about being away from my family for that long and having to sleep in a tent... it's really not my thing! I did just find a bike ride that I may be able to do ( and I can pick my distance while raising money for the Diabetes Association. Anyone want to join me? Or come cheer me on?!

I also REALLY want to sign up for a 10K in the later, much later, part of the summer. I guess I'll have to start researching all the difference races as well as start running (and biking) WAY more!

Well I've done enough thinking/ planning for the evening.... now to get my tired self to bed and pray that all this work starts paying off on the scale!
The day started out well with me being more determined than ever to get this weight thing under control! Yes I've lost 15 pounds but I feel that I'm at a stale mate. I started working out last week hoping that would accelerate my progress but not so far, in fact it seems like it has stalled even more. Well I went and worked out Sunday and Monday, I was also going to go to a class today but had a meeting after school that ended up going longer than I had hoped. It was a great meeting but I was bummed that I missed the step class I wanted to take. I think that set me into a little bit of a tail spin. I went home and while having a semi-serious conversation about the future with my husband (nothing bad, just serious), I found a half eaten single serving bag of Cheetos and decided to munch on those.... Then I decided to redeem myself by eating a healthy meal with veggies, mushrooms, pork loin (and a glass of wine). Well that glass of wine turned into a couple more and some Girl Scout cookies, okay, a LOT of Girl Scout cookies!!! Arg, I'm soo mad at myself I could cry. Now to start over AGAIN tomorrow and pray that this working out thing starts to pay off soon. Otherwise I'm tempted to go back to not working out and just eating less because I hate working so hard and seeing so few results. Okay, I'm done complaining and moving on to a new start for tomorrow. :)

**On a side note, there are many worse things that could be going on. My family has it's health and I know of others who have lost loved ones un-expectantly and I AM VERY grateful for all of the love I have in my life!  Blessings to all of you, hug your loved ones!
Despite losing an hour of sleep, today was a wonderful day! We got up to 70 degrees here and I had a day full of activity. This morning I went to a step aerobics class at the Y. It feels good to start the day getting your body moving. My issue is that I'm not a morning person so I don't see that happening during the school week. It's hard enough getting up at 5:30am with my kids, I can't imagine getting up to go to the Y but maybe I'll keep trying and get there soon enough!

This afternoon my family and I decided to go on a hike. We walked through the Gulch (a wonderful walking path in Pierre) and then through the new Pierre Play Trail (it has play centers set up about every tenth of a mile for kids to play on). After that we continued the hike up to WalMart (to pick up a couple things) and then headed back a different route past the capitol and to Zesto (ice cream shop). In total, we walked 6.5 miles and more than earned a cool ice cream treat! I think my kids (and I) will sleep well tonight. :)

Moving into the week I realized that I may be skimping a little too much on what I'm eating. I ate way more on Saturday after my weigh in and actually lost weight. I have to remember that in order for my engine (aka body) to run efficiently I need to keep it full of gas (aka healthy food). I am still going to make sure that I stay within my points however, I'm not going to try to go under my points, especially when I'm working out more. My goal this week (M-F) is to work out 4 days and to never go over my points. Plus I want to make sure that I'm drinking more water, I've gone a whole week without pop (yay)! I leave you with a quote and a cool little thing I found on pinterest. The only items I'd add to the list are: 11. Play with your kids 12. Read a book 13. Take a class at the Y! 
This week I got rid of another pound at my WW meeting which I should be proud of but, after trying so hard this week, I was really hoping for more progress! I'm going to try to focus on my accomplishments this week so that I'm not so hard on myself. I worked out 4 days this week, 3 of which were pretty intense. I stayed within my points this week minus 1 day and even that day I didn't throw in the towel and have a complete binge fest. I bought new workout clothes. I successfully completed our money unit in class with a shopping spree for the 2nd graders and our dinosaur unit with some Magic School Bus fun! I also completed a mini documentary for my Indian Ed class (for renewal of my teaching certificate). Ok.... now I feel a little better, I will NOT let negativity ruin my day!!! Now to go play with my kiddos and clean up my house, happy Saturday to everyone!
Change is a process, sometimes a long process. I feel like this week has been a short week filled with long days.  The days have been long with many things going on at the school, at home with my own course work, working out, and at the church with Lent beginning this week. I'm grateful for my coworker who has joined me a couple times this week at the Y to try out some new classes. I'm also grateful for my friends at the Y that welcomed me back so sweetly despite my 6 month absence. Working out has added to the many things I need to get done in the day but I'm trying to find a balance. I know how important it is on the journey to a healthier self.

As for Lent, I usually go through the season giving up something I enjoy but without much thought put into it. This year, perhaps due to working at a Catholic School and discussing it with my students, I have been thinking about sacrifice a lot more and the true meaning behind this season (the most important season of the Christian calendar). I won't get into a theological discussion on this blog, however I am always up for the conversation if anyone is interested! The reason I bring up my "Lenton" ponderings is to make the connection to creating a new me. As Fr. Mike spoke at Ash Wednesday service about sacrifice and going without things that we don't need, I made a list of several things that I do not need. Many, of course, were things that I eat or drink and I decided that I would use that as motivation and a jumping board for making better decisions for me and my family.

It also made me think about how I feel guilty about sacrificing time that I could be at work for time to work out. I decided to go with the passage 1 Corinthians 6:19 and to remember that my body is temple for the Holy Spirit. I want to make sure that I'm taking care of that temple and respecting it the same way I would respect God. If that means that I give up a half an hour of correcting papers or organizing my classroom, so be it! I will learn to manage my time better and give up some time chatting with other teachers or looking through pinterest.

I know that changes take time, I'm grateful for 6 weeks of Lent to boost me along and am optimistic that I am on the correct path to success. May you find and make the changes necessary in your life to lead you onto the path of success!
My middle child, Cooper, can be the sweetest little boy or epitome of middle child terror (no offense to those who may be middle children). Today I was fortunate enough to have a beautiful moment with the sweet version of Cooper. I was helping him get ready for school and we had this conversation:

Cooper: "Are you losing weight mom?" (I assumed he overhead James and I talking about it).

Me: "I'm trying Cooper, why?"

Cooper: "I don't know, I'm just happy for you. I can tell that your tummy is smaller!"

I, of course, gave him a big hug and thanked him for starting my day on such a positive note! It's the little things that make the biggest improvement in your day. I've noticed our boys have been more interested in whether foods are "healthy" and will help them to "grow big and strong". I love any contribution I may have had in that thought process. Cooper also talks a lot about running in the summer and competing in different sports (thank you Olympics). Honestly, I want to lose weight and be healthy for myself but knowing that it may benefit my children in the long term is the greatest perk on this journey!
Yesterday my family and I did a lot of traveling, which also included many potential diet hurdles. We spent quite a lot of time at a car dealership which had many complementary treats including popcorn, cookies, and candy. I sat by and watched as my family indulged while we filled out paperwork and waited. I have to say, the chocolate chip cookies looked scrumptious but I resisted. We also had to eat fast food but again I triumphed, googling weight watcher point values and picking what I knew would not "ruin" my day. I also packed healthy snacks and avoided the treats which my husband purchased. :)

Today I started the day with more hurdles. I had a horrible night sleep and then my loving husband decided he wanted donuts for breakfast. Instead of diving in the donuts to feed my frustration/ sleeplessness, I made myself a cup of coffee and English muffin and then headed to a step aerobic class at the Y. It was so nice to be back at the Y and chatting with friends I hadn't seen in too long! It was a great stress reliever and got me motivated for the day.

In the not so distant past, I would have not thought twice before grabbing a sweet treat and would have tumbled on a downward spiral of self regret and more self indulgence on and on until it was time for bed. I think that now that I have seen success and how following the "rules" (aka WW points) brings the reward of pounds gone, I am motivated to try harder and do more (workout) to continue to see that magic number drop. I am also more motivated by a little black dress that I would LOVE to wear this summer at my husband's big work banquet and I'd love to feel comfortable in a swimsuit on our vacation with the kids. All these things keep me focused, pushing myself to do my best and feel pride in my accomplishments. Happy Sunday to all, find your motivation!
I love starting my weekends with Weight Watchers (I may not always say that but now it's on my blog so I can look back at it and remind myself that I felt that way at one time)! I stuck to my points this week and was able to shed 3 more pounds. I am very optimistic that I'm on the road to success, having WW points under control and starting back up taking classes at the Y. I'm not totally naïve having been on this road MANY times before and I'm 100% positive that there will be bumps in the road. However, I believe I have grown from past mistakes. I know the importance of taking care of myself. I have no intentions of having more children which has set nutrition of course in the past. I want to be a role model for my children and that motivates me. The biggest thing I have learned is to set up mini goals along the way. My first goal is signing up for many 5K's set up throughout the spring, summer and fall. The first one of my 5K's is only a couple weeks away and that pushes me to get out there and train. I truly believe that I have learned that I need to have a reason to get up and work out. Whether that be for a 5K, a bike race or even just to meet up with a friend to go to an aerobic class.

What I also learned today from WW today is portion control. It's a huge part of weight loss and overall health. I know that sometimes I have "portion sneak," where sometimes my half a cup is a little more than a half a cup or I guestimate that something is about 3 ounces. My goal this week is to not guestimate and to measure accurately so I can have more success and keep moving forward. If the ugly hunger monster shows up I have zero point apples, bananas and other fruits and veggies that I can grab to silence the beast and not blow my diet!

I hope everyone can find their motivation this weekend and push through all obstacles that may try to deflate your success. :)

Lessons of the day:
1. Do NOT ask your wonderful husband to bring you coffee. You will get a delicious peppermint mocha that will cost you eleven, that's right ELEVEN, weight watcher points! Ugh, but don't worry about me, I was saving most of my points for this evening. So instead of a popcorn with a movie and big supper, I had a small chicken breast, snap peas, and a cheese stick. 

2. Don't waste time deciding to sign up for the gym. I've been dragging my feet for two months, and now with the New Year's resolution crowd thinning out, I finally renewed our family YMCA pass. I'm very excited to get back into fitness classes and have some coworkers to come along with me! I even bought a new workout outfit so I can go running in style, ha! Now if only the weather would allow me to run outside...

"Mom, mom, mom... watch me, watch me!" Sometimes kids can drive us nuts trying to get our attention. All of my children are skilled at creating diversions to seek attention. Cooper's newest scheme is "Ice Dancing" in the living room and wanting approval of his 'awesome' moves. Andrew likes to show us things he's built with LEGOS or things he's drawn. However, today Natalie had the best distraction. I had come home from a long day at school and First Communion meeting at the church and was feeling like a bunch of unhealthy food would help me feel better. I was in the kitchen with Natalie with the fridge open, searching, and she thought it was funny to shut the fridge every time I opened it. Then we started laughing and I got down on my knees with her to search the cupboards (again for food). This time she thought it was funny to close the cupboard on me and then push me over. We were giggling so hard that she got the hiccups and we continued the game of her pushing me over (I'd fall onto the floor) and then she'd "help" pull me up. This went on for maybe 10 minutes and in that time I realized I didn't really need anymore to eat! Children can make us crazy, but sometimes their distraction is all we need to bring us back to reality and the joy of life!
Today was a typical frustrating Monday. I hit the ground running with my little angel waking up at 4am and wanting to talk up a storm. She's really cute but at 4am no one's cute enough for me to stay up and chat with! After struggling for an hour to get her back to sleep and then struggling to fall back to sleep myself, I finally fell back to sleep at 5:30am. Despite my boys getting up at 6:15am I ended up oversleeping (6:45) and missed out on goal number one of the day, going to work at 7am. Once I finally did get to work it was a whirlwind of a day and the continual snowfall only made my mood deteriorate. I then went home and helped the boys with homework and then discovered that I had missed an assignment for my INED class I'm taking online. Ugh, sometimes I think I have too many things going on.... then I think about all the things other people juggle and took a moment to reflect.
If I refocus on the day it really wasn't that bad. I still have 5 points for WW (which I probably won't use since I plan to go to bed as soon as I'm done typing this). I comforted a little girl today who had an emotional weekend. I had a great conversation with a coworker and got to read with boys, rock my little girl and enjoyed a glass of wine. Tomorrow seems daunting to me and I do have to balance my life out a little bit (including finding time to work out), but my main goal is to change my attitude about the day. It's going to be great! Bring on Tuesday :)
Today, like most Sundays, went too fast! This day of the week has always given me great anxiety. I try to enjoy the day and tell myself that it's still the weekend but my mind wanders into the tasks that lie ahead and things I need to accomplish before Monday. Despite having that anxiety, which usually creates the urge to overeat, I was so motivated by my supporters from yesterday (Weight Watchers and FB friends) that I actually measured and recorded EVERYTHING today! Not only that, but I still have 4 points left that I have no intention of using. This is my first time since starting WW that I have been under my points. :)  I was also able to go to church, play with the kids, family trip to the library, grocery shop, dishes, laundry, correct math tests and plan for the week. I'm exhausted but grateful that I didn't let my anxiety get the best of my day. Starting the week with that kind of willpower and progress motivates me to inch forward and keep the ball rolling.
Today was a great day! I woke up at 5:15a.m. with my daughter and enjoyed some mother-daughter bonding (along with some coffee). I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and was VERY happy to see that I had lost another pound for a total of eleven pounds since the beginning of January! Yippee! Now if I can just focus more on keeping track of points and working out more I will make my goal before summer begins. :)
After a great meeting I went out to coffee to chat with a new friend and then spent the afternoon cleaning & playing with my kids. The boys and I went to the Discovery Center this afternoon and enjoyed some time building and learning new things. My husband and I had a date night including dinner, cocktails and bowling. Although the calorie intake may have not been terrific, I had a wonderful night!
This was the best Saturday I've had in a long time, enjoy the weekend everyone!
I'm not terribly excited about the weigh-in tomorrow for Weight Watchers but I'm going to suck it up and take whatever the scale has in store for me tomorrow! I left work earlier than usual today and went running. It was a great way to de-stress after a long week of sleepless nights (thank you to my beautiful children) and long work days. The weather was a pleasant surprise today and contributed to my desire to run outside.  I want to go running in the morning before my meeting so hopefully Mother Nature cooperates!

Today I did a much better job of eating than I have done the rest of this week so I'm trying to remain optimistic that the funk I seem to have found myself in has lifted. I find this time of the year quickly turns my mood from okay to depressed and frustrated. I can't wait for Spring and the feeling of new beginnings to arrive. Taking it one day at a time :)

In the spirit of taking one day at a time, I will start tomorrow running, a Weight Watchers meeting, coffee with a friend, maybe some yoga with my kids, going to the Y and ending the day on a date with my husband! Wish me luck on my weigh in and enjoy your Friday night! TGIF :)
This evening my husband and I looked up our health results from our recent screening for life insurance. I was very happy to see that all of my numbers were awesome, all but one. My BMI was high and although I am VERY grateful that that appears to be my only health concern, it has me worrying. I have lost weight since having my screening a month ago but I have a long way to go!

I've been dragging my feet trying to decide what to start training for and how to start training... now I feel challenged to amp it up and get moving. I spend some of this evening looking up events to sign up for but was overwhelmed with my options. There are so many 5K runs, I may start with the St. Patty's run in Presho and just keep signing up for one a month, that should motivate me, right?! I also really wanted to sign up for a long bike ride. I did the MS bike tour in 2005 (150 miles over two days) and would love to do something similar. There is a bike ride that goes across the state from the Black Hills to Sioux Falls but it's over a week and I'm not sure I'm up for being away from my family for that long. It's during the summer so I wouldn't have to worry about taking off work, I'm just not sure I'd enjoy it as much. Who knows? I won't take it off my list of possibilities quite yet. I'm also 90% sure that I'll be heading to the Y this weekend to reactivate my membership and start heading to classes a few times a week. Boy, this sounds ambitious, even more so at this time of night when I'm fighting off sleep.... I better sleep on it and hunt down all of my friends who said they were going to train with me!

Today was awesome! It was 51 degrees and a day off from work. The laundry is done, the house is clean and I went running for the first time in too long... and not just a short jog, a 2.35 mile run. I was so happy that I ran my first mile in 11.17 (which is good for me, REALLY good considering I haven't run in forever) and my second mile was in 11.24. I know the motivation for the second mile came from how well the first one went.

While I was running the first mile I was thinking about my goals, fitness, weight loss and otherwise as well as the tasks I needed to complete this week. The second mile I was thinking about what made me able to run faster when I haven't been running or working out regularly. My only conclusion was that having lost 10 pounds since the beginning of January and the beautiful spring like weather today must have given me the extra lift to move faster and go farther! I hope this good feeling continues (and the great weather). It will give me the extra push and set me on the path to success!
This week was very stressful and my healthy eating went out the window (although I did lose weight). I was so busy getting ready for conferences and Valentine parties that I didn't have time for any working out or pre-planning any meals. My husband was also out of town for work which adds extra stress in our household. My kids haven't been sleeping well (meaning I'm not sleeping well) and I get down and more stressed without him by my side. Fortunately, this is the last weekend of his "busy" season. With that being said, now is the time to come up with a plan.

I already know what I should and should not eat, it's just a matter of putting it into practice. Making sure that I record all that I eat online and not going over my allotted points. I have to go sign up for a gym membership to hold myself accountable through the next few weeks of winter and then get out there and start running/ training for a few 5Ks and maybe some 10Ks. I also need to buy a new bike and start training for a long bike ride (MS bike tour or the Mickelson Bike Trail). If I set some goals and make the necessary changes, 30 pounds will disappear in no time, right? ;)

On a side note, I LOVE that this is a 3 day weekend and hope to make the best of the extra day. So far I have enjoyed some extra sleep,watching the Olympics, playing in the mud, building blocks and reading stories with my kids, talking to and watching a movie with my husband, catching up on school work and enjoying the moment. I hope everyone is taking the time to enjoy this weekend! 
It all started with a weekend of traveling. I hate driving, I get very drowsy very quickly and have to munch on things to keep awake. It would help if I had someone to talk to but my kids lose interest after an hour or so has passed. I also went to places that had an abundance of treats, always hard to say no to free and delicious snacks. Today was a whirlwind of trying to test students before conferences, putting together conference folders, a professional development class on crime scene investigation and all the other daily chaos... needless to say I didn't feel like keeping track of points and soon it snowballed in a full fledged eating fest, maybe not THAT bad... but I still feel pretty terrible.

So how do I get back my motivation? I have none, no desire because I'm SOO tired and overwhelmed with work, school and kids. I'm actually only taking the time right now to type this because I feel that if I don't, I may explode! :)   I wish I had a reset button from the weekend, I'm pretty sure Sunday morning I was down in my weight... so even if I could just reset to Sunday morning and make a few different choices.... but I can't, so maybe I'll read a couple of weight loss success stories online, drink a cup of tea and call it a night. Hopefully I can wake up tomorrow feeling motivated and energized!
Yesterday was a bit of a rough day in my house, nothing serious, just the normal hustle and bustle of parenting three kiddos. I didn't blog because my emotions were too up and down for me to articulate anything. I didn't over indulge even thought I REALLY wanted to and today I stuck to my points. The working out thing still isn't happening, I need to sign up for classes at the gym and have an accountability buddy to make me go! (Or maybe a few personal training sessions to get me motivated). I can't wait for spring to arrive so I can start running outside again plus this cold has gone on WAY too long!

I've been looking for some motivation to keep me moving with my diet and jump start my workout. I watched part of The Biggest Loser finale and was amazed by their transformations (as I always am). I have also perused pinterest to find motivational quotes, workouts and recipes. I just turned on the television and a show called Toned Up is on about two friends with a fitness business. The show seems a bit silly, what reality show doesn't,  but I do like that the girls are there for each other and push each other to do more and reach farther. I think that's the one theme that sticks out in all great weight loss/ fitness transformations, the person that is changing their life has a coach, mentor, friend and/or support system that doesn't let them quit, encourages, praises, motivates and inspires.

 I have several people that help in bits and pieces, just no consistency. One example, my wonderful husband has encouraged me to run more, go workout, join a gym, etc. and he has been running too which is a motivator. However he is also that one who is quick to bring unhealthy food home and jumps at the chance to pick up a quick meal (never healthy). Or friends that I'll meet up with a couple of times to work out with but then time and circumstances get in the way and a few months pass by before we meet up again. Maybe my best motivator right now would be myself?! I need to put on my big girl boots and push myself. I can make workout plans with friends, text them when I'm struggling to say no to bad food and ask my hubby to tame back on the fast food and amp up on the encouragement! ;)

Happy almost Friday to everyone and I hope you find a support network to help inspire you!
Today was a small but exciting step. I did not go over my Weight Watchers points today, I measured and kept track of EVERYTHING!! SO immensely happy that I have 3 points left on my tracker, I am just going to stare at them this evening and say, "Nope, it's not worth it!" It helped that I was at school, running around a lot of the day and there was no time to sit and snack but I could have plopped down this evening and binged in reaction to this stressful day. Instead, I ate a healthy supper and retreated to a relaxing bath with a good book. It felt much better than consuming everything in sight and spending the night obsessing over my slip.

I did not workout today which I regret, but have moved on and forgiven myself. Tomorrow my husband leaves for another business trip making working out a little more difficult. It also raises my stress level, creating a challenge to making healthy food choices. It is just another chance to learn self control and self discipline, right?
I don't know how it happened... I stayed home from work with a sick little boy and somehow I still got a case of the Mondays!! This morning I raced over to the school to get sub plans ready and while I typed them up I kept thinking how much easier it will be to just teach it myself...ugh! So I guess that kind of set me off and as I rested with my 6 year old and watched movies, I thought about the other things I should be doing.

I did REALLY well on my weight watchers points until about 1pm. I think running to the school, the clinic and the pharmacy and then realizing that the Lean Cuisine I made wasn't all that lean (8 points) just drew the negative thoughts to the forefront of my brain... and then that damn cake was just sitting there on the dining room table with its pretty jelly bean rainbow and marshmallow clouds. Why didn't I make my kids eat all of it this weekend?! I'd post a picture of it but, let's just say it's not a pretty little rainbow anymore... enough said.

I did stop at a gym today to get information but now I'm more conflicted about which gym to join. I think I know which one my husband and I should join but we have some hesitations due to the quality of the equipment. It's difficult when you are limited by living in a smaller community and your time frame of when you can work out due to children/ lack of child care. We'll have to bite the bullet and pick based on a pro/con list, whichever we pick we need to choose soon so I get this body moving!

Enough moping, tomorrow's a new day! Have a terrific Tuesday!


I was inspired this morning at church, our priest was talking about bucket lists and it set my wheels spinning!  I have had ideas of things I'd like to do but usually it is a passing thought, nothing concrete.  I spent the day cleaning and thinking about places I'd like to see, events I wants to participate in and the person I'd like to become.  What legacy am I leaving my children?  How am I going to be remembered?

As I began writing my list, I realized that some of my items from my list would also help in my journey of a new, healthier me.  I won't put my entire list on here, ( 1. It's not done. 2. It's long), but the ones that relate to this blog are;
  1. Run a Half Marathon
  2. Bike the Mickelson Trails Trek (108 miles through the Black Hills over 3 days)
  3. Bike the MS Bike Tour (150 miles over 2 days)- again
  4. Complete a Triathlon
  5. Teach my children the importance of loving God and themselves (in that order)

I may not be able to do all of these anytime soon, but I CAN start training for them!  I'm excited, nervous and scared when I think about training but I know I can do it.  I have trained for and ran a few 5K's, I have trained and completed a MS bike tour (9 years ago) and I have friends who are willing to do some of the items with me.  I want my children to see me as a role model, someone who takes care of herself and others, dreams big and achieves her goals.  

Tomorrow I start training for my future, working to bring my dreams to reality.  I pray for motivation and inspiration to guide me through this journey.  If you have any great motivational quotes to help inspire me in the morning, I would appreciate it more than you know! Please write it in the comment section or facebook message it to me.  Have a beautiful Monday!

         "Faith is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."  -Henry Ford
          "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."  -Alice in Wonderland
I did it! This week I lost 3.4 lbs bringing my 4 week total to 9.2 lbs, yippee!!  My next goal is 7 lbs away and I know I can do it by staying at or under my Weight Watcher points every day and working out more.  So who's going to work out with me this week? Do you have a friend that helps hold you accountable?  I think Weight Watchers is really helping hold me accountable with food (weekly weigh-ins help too) but I need some consistent work out friends, maybe join a gym and a aerobic class?!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Saturday, don't let the weekend be your excuse for bad choices!
Another whirlwind day! I survived the day thanks in part to working for a school that enforces healthy snacks.  It was nice to celebrate the end of the week with strawberries and a homemade granola bar. I had a healthy lunch and made a healthy supper for my kids and myself.  My only regret for the day was not working out, I still have time so I may pull out the exercise ball and/or do some squats... I need to get some motivation!

I am grateful that, although I didn't make the time after school to workout, I did spend some quality time with my boys at the library.  Fortunately, I get to spend a lot more quality time tomorrow with my kids, hockey, a school carnival and cello lessons.  It will be a busy day but I WILL make time to go to Weight Watchers, to eat healthy and to work out (maybe a workout video with my boys?).

Pray, cross your fingers, do a good luck dance, ANYTHING to help me get a loss at my weigh in tomorrow :)  I hope everyone has a great Friday night, make healthy decisions!!
This week has been nuts! My little girl hasn't been sleeping well and school has been crazy with Catholic Schools Week celebrations.  I think it's taking its toll on me and I feel very worn out. The plus side is that I have made my fuel point goal ever day this week with my Nike Fuel Band, the bad news is that I know I didn't stay at goal or under with Weight Watchers all week.  I'm going to have to work harder at making healthier choices (although my choices are 10x better than a month ago) and also at not being sucked into my husband's ideas for supper... Papa Murpheys, Taco John's, etc... Yes, it's convenient when we're running to hockey and Boy Scouts but we just need to plan better for the week and have crock pot meals ready or left overs to warm up...
I'm grateful for friends that help hold me accountable and know that things are only going to get better.  Finding a support system has always been my greatest aid in achieving my goals. I need to take advantage of the great friends I have that are willing to work out with me and/ or help hold me accountable. I have a tendency to talk myself out of making plans with others.  There's the idea in my head that they'll say no or that they'll only say yes because the feel pressured, silly right?!  Sometimes, okay most of the time, my negativity is my biggest obstacle as it is for most people I think.  I let my self doubt get in the way of many of my decisions.  That being said, my goal for the upcoming week is to make plans with someone to work out, go for a walk, something... to NOT go over my Weight Watcher points and to continue to make my goal on my Nike Fuel Band.
I'm grateful this week is coming to an end and look forward to a weekend of conquering new goals, TGIF!

CrAzY Day

Today started out pretty well.  Had a healthy breakfast, a great morning with my students and a healthy lunch. I had to fast for 6 hours this afternoon for a life insurance screening, so the afternoon was a piece of cake! Then I hit a wall, I ran my son to get ice skates so he can start hockey tomorrow and then to boy scouts where they had a bake off... I REALLY should have stayed away from those darn sweets, I don't even like sweets all that much! Then I bring home my sweet loot and my wonderful husband had Taco Johns waiting for me... oy veh!! So what started out as a great, healthy eating day has turned into too full tummy ache.
The old me would keep eating, even if it hurts, I would say to myself, "Why stop now, I already ruined the day?!"  But I'm starting a new me, I can't go back to my old ways full of self pity.  Nope, it was my fault but it's not the end of the world! Tomorrow's a new day but why wait until then? I can stop my behavior right now and end the day on a high note. Since I'm not going to bed anytime soon, probably another two hours with school work beckoning my name, I will drink water, not overindulge in any more food tonight, plan my healthy meals for tomorrow and get up and move around every few minutes to keep my body busy! Well if I want to do that I better get off this computer and get busy...
Have a blessed Wednesday filled with health and happiness :)
Welcome to my blog. My name is Katie. I am married to my best friend and have three beautiful children. I teach 2nd grade. My goal is to share my story as I transform myself into a new me. I am going to create a better body through exercise, eating healthier and changing the way I think about myself. I hope this blog will put a fire inside of me as well as others!
I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of the month in hopes that my life/body would magically transform...  The first week was tough but I did it and lost nearly 5 pounds! The second week I struggled a bit more and only lost 1 pound. Last week was my third week and I knew that I had not met my goal, or anywhere close, the entire week. I decided that I'd give myself the excuse to not go weigh in because my husband was out of town (he travels a lot for work) and I didn't want to truck my three kids to the meeting. So now, here I am, starting my fourth week of WW and today, praise the Lord, I did not go over my points!

I have been working on weight loss FOREVER!! I cannot tell you how many diets I've tried (maybe I'll add them up in another post when I have more time to kill). I was in the best shape of my life in the summer of 2005. It was after I had gained my first year of marriage weight. I took action and started Jenny Craig and started training for an MS bike tour (150 mile bike ride over 2 days). I rode bike everywhere and had all my meals ready for me.  I didn't have kids at my feet and wasn't overwhelmed with work and family chaos yet. I look back at the pictures from my parents 25th wedding anniversary from that year and LOVE the way I looked. That's my goal, to return back to that me... or as close as I can get...

After my first son was born, he's 7 years old now, I worked hard and lost the weight quickly.  My second born was not planned and I lost some, but never all of the weight (he's 6 years old).  I had plenty of time between my second born and getting pregnant with my little girl, nearly 5 years, to lose the weight but I let life get in the way.  I struggled with postpartum depression, changing jobs and eventually moving to a new community, it was too much for me to add in getting in shape or taking care of myself.  Don't get me wrong, in those five year I did yoga, step aerobics, boxing, pilates, cycling, was certified to teach yoga and step aerobics.  I ate vegetarian, gluten free, nutrisystem,  I lost weight and gained weight but nothing stuck.

So here I am, trying something new. Hoping that having a blog will hold me responsible or at least inspire others to try getting in shape and healthy with me.  My goals are not complex, I want to lose 30 pounds and be able to run a 10K by next fall.  Maybe that seems like a lot but my inspiration is my children.  I want to be able to have the energy to run and play with them.  I want to be a role model to them, to teach them how important it is to take care of their body.  I don't want to just transform my body but also my mind.  I have a lot of negativity and am hoping that the more I take care of myself through diet and exercise, the more I can change my way of thinking.
