Everyone has had a morning or two or three in which they wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes a bad mood creeps up on you after some road rage, telemarketers, bickering children, et cetera. Not that I'm speaking from experience, which I am, but I have come up with a little guide to help me alter my bad mood!
Here is my Step by Step Guide:
1) Acknowledge and accept the mood/ feelings, even if you don't fully understand them.
2) Find a quiet place for 5 minutes (put on cartoons for the kids, lock yourself in the bathroom and play relaxing music if need be)
3) Take a few long, deep breathes
4) Analyze the situation, what's bugging you? can anything be changed to fix it? Maybe writing a list of things to organize your thoughts? Finding a quick & easy recipe for supper? Sell a child? Assume a new identity, prefably in the Bahamas? (You get the idea)
5) Choose happiness. Sounds silly, but it can actually work. If you decide that you are going to be happy and look at each situation in a place of happiness, it can work (but you have to fully committ to that thought process)
6) Physically Smile. This, again, sounds foolish, but this goes along with #5. In other words, "Fake it 'til you make it!"
7) Create a mini plan to get you through the next hour that will make you happy.
Example, if your children are going crazy (thus driving you crazy), take them to the gym to run off some energy, throw some basketballs, or make them run around the outside of the house a few times (personal experience has shown this to work on occasion)!
8) Remember that YOU control your emotions and that you cannot control any one else's emotions or behaviors.
9) Lastly, remember that you don't have to wait until tomorrow to start the day over, don't allow your current negativity dictate your entire day
The next time you find yourself cursing at the car in front of you for driving too slow or yelling at your spouse for leaving dishes in the living room, take a moment to reassess the situation and choose happiness over a bad attitude.
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