I am having one of those days where my inner voice is my own worst enemy! I've been working on telling my negative self to "be quiet" or "shut up" (I know, get me a straight jacket), today I didn't do as great of a job and just let the voice slip in over and over. It started this morning when my sweet little sunshine of a daughter woke up extra early and as I rocked her back to sleep I talked myself out of going to workout in an hour, since I'd really appreciate the extra sleep more. I did enjoy the extra sleep but immediately scolded myself when I 'officially' woke up for the day for missing my morning class. I continued to beat myself up as I felt tired and sluggish getting ready for work, "You'd have more energy if you would have got up and moving this morning instead of sleeping more!"
The stress I put on myself this morning continued as I navigated my way through the day. I didn't take the time to appreciate my successful math lesson or science discussion and instead focused on how I couldn't quite control the volume of my students as well as I'd hoped (older students are doing Smarter Balance testing in the computer lab next door). In retrospect, the students are super excited about our baby duck that's hatching and we were doing a lot of group activities today plus no one complained to me about hearing us next door. I also had a overly long list of things to accomplish today thus setting myself up for further failure and further negative thoughts.
I thought an iced coffee energy drink would give me the boost I needed to get more things done at work and then head to the gym feeling ready for a great workout. Unfortunately, after consuming said beverage I realized it was worth 5 WW points, leaving me 5 points for supper. So instead of waltzing in, ready to conquer whatever the instructor threw at me, I came in with a chip on my shoulder knowing I had messed up for the umpteenth time today. I was hoping that the workout would eventually life my spirits, as it usually does, but I think that I was in such a slump that no amount of sweat or bicep curls was going to release that tension. It was quite frustrating that I also couldn't focus my attention on feeling the "burn" and instead found my mind wondering to how I wish I could look like so and so or I'll never be able to do that... I might as well stamp a Negative Nancy sticker on my forehead today (no offense to any of the wonderful Nancys in my life)!
I need to hit my reset button. Reevaluate my day and look for all the positives. Read some motivation quotes, set up a plan for success for tomorrow, and go to bed early! Today was not bad, my attitude was, tomorrow will be terrific!
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