Saturday, June 20, 2015

And so it begins

Today Was Day One:

My food:
Breakfast: Coffee w/ Creamer & Cool Mint Chocolate Clif Bar
Lunch: Chocolate shakeology with a frozen banana, coconut milk, and coconut extract and deli turkey with cheese
Supper: Sloppy Joes and Baked BBQ Chips, diet coke
Instead of snacking I packed up most of our kitchen and bathroom cupboards today, fun fun!
Workout: 3.21 jog- had horrible shin splints because of improper form at spin class yesterday and I did the 10 minute hardcore video with Natalie
My positives for the day: Playing house with Natalie, watching the boys have a water fight in the backyard, and getting a lot packed up in the house.
My negatives: The house we had a contingency offer on in Sioux Falls was sold to someone else today  :'(

Focusing on the positives- tomorrow will be a great day! Someone is definitely go to buy our house this week!! Prayers accepted
Yummy lunch!

Natalie doing some ab work!

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